Our ambition is to empower individuals to live healthier for longer through personalized, scientific testing, consultation and solutions.

With a deep portfolio of personalized offerings – testing that provides individualized data, educational resources, and services and/or products that support specific health goals and needs – Health Plus Global is here at every age and life stage.

HEALTH PLUS GLOBAL is redefining what it means to live healthier for longer.

We want you to take your health into your hands with evidence-based health recommendations for your specific wellness goals. 


A Deeper Analysis
As we provide detailed insights to help identify potential health risks and specific areas of improvement either via genetic testing or biochemical - Meaningful Results await.

A Tailored Recommendations
Your results are reviewed by our board-certified physicians and/or medical professionals and upon request will include a comprehensive improvement plan, tailored with individual recommendations based on your unique results.

Maintain Health Over A Lifetime
Watch your health evolve and improve over time through follow-up testing that validates the effectiveness of your wellness plan and helps you maintain optimal health over your lifetime.

Health Plus Global believe in a world where everyone can feel better. We're living in unprecedentedly stressful times and our society isn't set up to make taking care of ourselves easy. We started HEALTH PLUS GLOBAL to help you make wellness part of your everyday. Whatever your path may be, we're here to guide you. And we divided the service into 3 main pillars;
  1. Wellness Zone:  An in-depth health screening to pave the path to wellness and vitality whether it’s genetic testing or biochemical - we’ve designed personalized services tailored to the client’s health goal and needs.
  2. Prevention Zone:  Proactive health screening offers healthy adults without a strong personal or family history of disease an opportunity to learn about how their genes could potentially impact their health. If so, they can be monitored or offered preventive solutions before they develop cancer, have a heart attack.
  3. Illness Zone: We proud to be the alliance to those who are coping with the illness by giving the support in precise and in-depth health screening and connect the patients with their needed medical professionals and/or services.


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